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Steps to Migrate to MTLS Based Configurations

Read documentation here:

Step 0

Generate MTLS Certs, if you are testing with vagrant then you can use below-mentioned script else read above-mentioned documenations. The following script generates certs in the directory from where you are running the script.

Step 1

Update Following vars in inventory/<environment>/group_vars/all.yml

zookeeperSslQuorum: false
zookeeperPortUnification: "false"
zookeeperSslQuorumReloadCertFiles: "false"
zookeeperSslQuorumProtocol: "TLSv1.2"
zookeeperSslQuorumKeystorePassword: "IdontKnow"
zookeeperSslQuorumTruststorePassword: "IdontKnow"
zookeeperSslQuorumHostnameVerification: "true"
zookeeperSslHostnameVerification: "true"
zookeeperSslQuorumKeystoreLocation: "/zookeeper-/conf/keystore.jks"
zookeeperSslQuorumTruststoreLocation: "/zookeeper-/conf/truststore.jks"
  - { src: "files/certs/keystore-.jks", dest: "" }
  - { src: "files/certs/truststore.jks", dest: "" }

# zookeeper uncategorized settings
zookeeperAdminPortUnification: "false"

zookeeperSecureClientPort: 2182 # only defined in zoo.cfg but not used/tested

Step 2

Run Ansible Migration Playbook and carefully watch Ansible logs + zookeeper logs

ansible-playbook -i inventory/<environment>/cluster.ini clusterMigrateToMtls.yml

Step 3

Update Following vars in inventory/<environment>/group_vars/all.yml

zookeeperSslQuorum: true
zookeeperPortUnification: "false"

Step 4

Make sure all changes are commited to your version control system.

Knowns Issues Certificate for <> 
doesn't match any of the subject alternative names: [, zookeeper1.localhost, localhost]
        at org.apache.zookeeper.common.ZKHostnameVerifier.matchIPAddress(

It can be fixed either by switching to FQDN settings or your keystore cert must include node IP Address as SAN.